Project Format

ChipTools supports an XML project format that is intended to allow the designer to express an FPGA project configuration in a tool-agnostic manner. This means that the same project file should work for different synthesis or simulation tools when used with ChipTools. Certain tool specific data is unavoidable in FPGA designs, so the project format allows argument-passing to specific tools or inclusion of tool-specific data such as constraints or netlists without affecting other tools that may be supported.

The XmlProjectParser class implements the XML parser for ChipTools project files. It can be used either through the ChipTools command line interface via the load project command, or via a Python script by importing it directly.

Command line interface:

$ chiptools
(cmd) load_project my_project.xml

Python import:

from chiptools.core.project import Project
from chiptools.parsers.xml_project import XmlProjectParser

my_project = Project()
XmlProjectParser.load_project('my_project.xml', my_project)
class chiptools.parsers.xml_project.XmlProjectParser[source]

The XmlProjectParser class implements an XML parser for project files using the following format.


All paths appearing in a project file are relative to the location of the project file.


The project parent tag encapsulates all configuration and file tags belonging to a project file. Existing project files may be imported into a project by including a project tag with the path attribute pointing to the existing XML file.

Attribute Value Description
synthesise True (default) These files are included for synthesis.
False Exclude these files from synthesis.
path string Path to existing project file to include.


The library tag is used to group all child file tags into the same library. If a file is not associated with a library it will default to the work library.

Attribute Value Description
synthesise True (default) These files are included for synthesis.
False Exclude these files from synthesis.
name string (required) Name of the HDL library for these files.


The file tag is used to define a source file to include in the project. Source files can either be text based HDL source files (VHDL or Verilog) or they can be netlists. Tool wrapper plugins will check the file extension to determine how they should process the file, for example .VHD and .V files will be processed with vcom and vlog respectively by Modelsim and .ngc files will be copied into the synthesis folder by ISE.

Attribute Value Description
synthesise True (default) This file is included for synthesis.
False Exclude this file from synthesis.
path string (required) Path to the source file.


If a file tag is used outside of a library tag the file will automatically be associated with the work library and a warning will be displayed.


File tags support additional optional attributes of the form args_toolname_compile where toolname is the name of a specific tool wrapper (for example: modelsim). The attribute value is passed to the simulation tool during compilation if it is the selected tool. args_modelsim_compile=’-2008’ would pass the command line arg ‘-2008’ to Modelsim when it compiles the file.


The constraints tag defines the path to a constraints file to be included when performing synthesis on the project. Constraints can be limited to a specific synthesis tool via use of the flow attribute.

Attribute Value Description
path string (required) Path to the constraints file.
flow string (optional) Name of the associated synthesis tool.


The unittest tag defines the path to a Python based unit test suite to be included in the project test suite. Unit tests must be valid Python files with a .py extension. If the file is invalid or contains syntax errors it will be excluded from the project test suite. Runtime errors occurring from a unit test will result in that test failing.

Attribute Value Description
path string (required) Path to the unit test file.


The generic tag defines a generic value setting for the top level entity during synthesis. Generic attribute names map to the name of a generic on the top level entity and the associated value is passed as the generic value.

Attribute Value Description
(name) (value) Set top level generic name to value at synthesis.


The config tag defines a config value setting for the project. Config attribute names map to the name of a configuration item in the project and the associated value is passed as the config value.

Attribute Value Description
(name) (value) Set the configuration item name to value.

The following configuration items can be set in a project:

Config Description
simulation_directory Directory to use as simulation working directory.
synthesis_directory Directory to use as synthesis working directory.
simulator Default simulator to use for this project.
synthesiser Default synthesiser to use for this project.
part FPGA part to target when performing synthesis.

In addition to the above configuration items, the config tag also allows tool-specific argument passing through the use of config attributes using the following naming convention: args_toolname_flowname, where toolname is the name of the tool to target and flowname is the name of a specific tool flow stage. For example: args_ise_par=’-mt 4 -ol high -xe n’ would pass the arguments -mt 4 -ol high -xe n to the place and route stage of an ISE synthesis flow. Each tool wrapper implements its own specific flow stage names.


If a configuration item is already defined any new definitions will be ignored. A warning will be displayed if a redefinition is attempted.